University Email Address List
Colleges & Universities
University Email Address List
Our list of universities and colleges in the UK contains 32,594 contacts from Chancellors, Principals, and Bursars to Heads of Departments and Lecturers. The data can be filtered out by multiple criteria, therefore you can contact only relevant to you people, for example only academics or only accountants that work for universities.
If you are looking to contact universities and colleges, but struggling to find specific contact information, we can help you. Our lists provide you with reliable and GDPR-compliant data that will supercharge your email marketing campaigns.
University Email Address List
GDPR Compliant Database
We work only with GDPR compliant mailing, email, and telephone data that goes through stringent data protection checks. Our databases are replenished with over 1.5 million verified, PECR and GDPR compliant personal business email addresses each month. We also offer compliance guidance.
What does the universities email address list contain?
The information in our database can be filtered down and narrowed by multiple criteria. The list contains the following information for all records:
Personal work email address (not generic)
University/ College Name
University/ College URL
Full name for salutation
First name
Job Title
Mailing address with postcode
University/ College Phone Number
University Email Address List – Sector Overview
There are over 150 higher education institutions in the UK as of September 2020, including the distance learning institution the Open University. The University of London is the largest, although it is split into Colleges such as Imperial College, University College London and the London School of Economics and Political Science. The largest non-Collegiate University is the University of Manchester.
The University sector has a very long history in the UK, with some placing the founding of Oxford University as early as 1096, and certainly by 1167. Cambridge University was founded in 1209. The newest University in the UK is Hartpury University, which specializes in agricultural and veterinary courses and is based in Gloucestershire, which was granted University status on 17th September 2018.
The sector caters to 2.38 million students and employs almost 440,000 staff across the UK, 49% of these are academic staff, with 51% being support, administration, pastoral, estates and other workers. The largest non-academic sector is administrative and secretarial staff. 48% of university employees are female, although this drops to 41% for academic staff.
In 2017/18 the total income for the sector was £38.2 Billion, 49% of which came from student tuition fees. When direct, indirect and multiplier effects are taken into consideration the Universities sector contributed over £95 Billion to the UK economy in 2017, up from £73.11 Billion in 2011.