HR Email Addresses

All Email Lists | HR Email Addresses

The HR Email Addresses Database is a definitive list of Human Resources professionals in the UK. It covers HR managers (7299 contacts) and HR Directors (3211 contacts), as well as Wellbeing Managers, Personnel Managers, Employee Benefits and Rewards specialists (over 10,000 contacts).

The list has over 16,000 individuals from the UK’s mid-market and large organisations. The file includes an employee size indicator.

Over 20,000 HR Executive Contacts. Each record includes:
HR Email Address Database Quality Promise

The HR Executives email list may be helpful if you are:

  • seeking to recruit an HR professional in your company
  • exhibition organiser of HR-related events
  • a recruitment agency with HR vacancies
  • employee benefits provider
  • employee rewards provider
  • publishers of personnel-related material

If you’re looking for a broader selection of professional email lists, including HR and other industry-specific contacts, visit our email lists page to explore more options tailored to your needs.

Our Key HR Email Addresses Lists

HR Managers Email List

This file focuses on the professionals at medium-sized organisations through to the largest companies in the UK. The file has over 3600 individual contacts, all with email addresses. The file contains an indicator of the company employee size.

  • Source: Event registration, journal subscription and own research
  • QTY: 3600
  • Selections: Company revenue size, Geographic, Number of employees in the organisation
  • Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone

HR Executives Email List

This list is dedicated to all HR executives who are responsible for the day-to-day activities of Human Resource Management departments, from hiring new personnel to training & development.

  • Source: Various
  • QTY: 15,000
  • Min Order: 1000 records
  • Selections: Company type, Geographic, Job title/ function
  • Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
  • Personal Business email address (not generic)
  • Company Name
  • Company URL
  • Full name for salutation
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Job Title
  • Mailing address with postcode
  • Company Phone Number
  • Industry
  • Revenue size indicator
  • Employee size indicator

HR Email Addresses – Sample Data

Below is a data sample for this database. Request a free data sample to reveal the hidden information.

DUmmy Data

Company CloserStill Media
Salutation Ms.
Contact Name Jo Smith
Job Title HR Director
Job Level Director-Level
Job Function Human Resources
Address j.*****@cl**************.com
Physical Address Unit 9, Exhibition House, Addison Bridge Pl
City London
State London
Zip/Post Code W14 8XP
Country United Kingdom
Time Zone Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Tel Number 0123 456 789
Industry Event Services
Revenue $50 mil. – $100 mil.
Employee Size 250 – 500
Category HR Director Email List
UK Marketing Management gave us detailed advice on the data source that most suited our business needs and provided the data swiftly and in a user friendly format. We have now used the company's services twice and are impressed by it's efficient and targeted approach.
Joint Managing Director, Films Production Company
I was dubious about buying data to help with my email campaigns and required a GDPR-compliant method to do so. UK Marketing Management provided a helpful and extensive data list which met my needs and will ultimately save us a huge amount of research time. I would recommend to others.
SAP Recruitment Company
It has been a pleasure to work with you on a number of campaigns this year. Using data from UKMM we are able to tap new contacts in our target countries. I'm confident that when I send our campaign brief we would receive a count for a carefully selected segment of your database.
Royal Society
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