List of IT Companies
UK and Worldwide
List of IT Companies
Our database is the result of 4 years of research. The compilers of the file specialise in this sector and are experts in identifying companies IT specialisms whether that is IT support, IT services, Systems Architecture, Networking or the manufacture of hardware and software.
Who is on the List of IT Companies?
Who should use the List of IT Companies?
The IT Companies Database is ideal for:
- exhibition organisers
- a recruitment agencies
- training companies
- IT suppliers
- procurement specialists
List of IT Companies
GDPR Compliant Database
We work only with GDPR compliant mailing, email, and telephone data that goes through stringent data protection checks. Our databases are replenished with over 1.5 million verified, PECR and GDPR compliant personal business email addresses each month. We also offer compliance guidance.
IT Companies List Examples
We also work with a large selection of databases coming from multiple sources. We will work with you to pick the list or combination of lists that will match your project the best. You can find some examples of the lists we have access to below.
Computer Weekly – Reed Database
Named computer professionals, senior management buyers, specifiers, influencers and users across a wide range of UK business activity
- Source: Controlled circulation. Reed Business Information publishes one of the worlds major collections of specialist and business journals, which are available on controlled circulation. Computer Weekly is the UK’s leading weekly IT publication, and is annually reverified and updated.
- QTY: 78,445 (Email contacts = 48,375)
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Business activity, Company size, Geographic, job title/ function, purchasing power, number of pc’s, annual IT expenditure
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
List of IT Companies in Europe
MI Europe is an extensive database of senior decision makers in enterprise and corporate organisations across the UK & Europe with approximately 80% personal email coverage and over 130 different job roles to choose from.
- Source: Information is collected and frequently cleaned by an in-house research team. Each researcher is a fluent speaker of the relevant country. The methods used to collect and clean the information includes: Telephone surveys, Email surveys, Postal surveys, Websites, Annual Reports, Financial/Business/Trade Press.
- QTY: 100,000+ contacts. Over 50,000 are C-level executives with email addresses
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Named contact, Number of employees, Product type, Regional, Turnover, Type of organisation
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
List of IT Companies in the Middle East
Mi Middle East is a database of senior decision makers in major organisations across six of the largest countries in the region.
- Source: An experienced research team based in the UK has identified the most significant companies in the largest Middle East economies through telephone surveys, email surveys, postal surveys, web sites, annual reports and financial/business/trade press. Every contact and company on the database has been extensively verified to provide a reliable and detailed understanding of the most influential contacts and companies that shape the economic landscape of this hard to reach region.
- QTY: 1000
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Named contact, Number of employees, Product type, Regional, Turnover, Type of organisation
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
List of IT Companies
Largest data processing, IT manufacturing and computer software and service companies throughout the world.
- Source: Questionnaire, Telephone research
- QTY: 19,843
- Min Order: 1,000
- Selections: Country, Gender, Industry, Job title/ function, Nth name, Number of
- employees, Turnover
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
IT Managers and Directors
IT contacts within the top 50,000 companies in the UK. Senior decision makers, IT purchasers and influencers.
- Source: Thomson Directories, Companies House, Teleresearch
- QTY: 40,000+
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Company size, Geographic, SIC code, Turnover, Type of location
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
The National Computer Index
Computer users in the UK. Data available includes company name, address, up to 6 IT contacts, company details, industry, hardware, communications, development tools and usage categories. Major UK IT end-users.
- QTY: 15,217
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Business activity, Company size, Named contact, Type of computer, Type of software
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
UK’s Top 1,000 IT Directors
IT directors and heads of IT for the UK’s top 1,500 companies with a turnover of more than £100 million
- Source: Own research
- QTY: 1,000
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Top 1000
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
Website Designers List
With named senior decision maker
- Source: Thomson Directories
- QTY: 2,535
- Min Order: 1000
- Selections: Company size, Geographic, SIC code, Type of location, Type of premises
- Media: Mailing, Email, Telephone
What does the List of IT Companies contain?
The information in our database can be filtered down and narrowed by multiple criteria. The list contains the following information for all records:
- Personal Business email address (not generic)
- Company Name
- Company URL
- Full name for salutation
- First name
- Surname
- Job Title
- Mailing address with postcode
- Company Phone Number
- Industry
- Revenue size indicator
- Employee size indicator