List of Investors in the USA

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This database will be useful for any company interested in exploring the large and diverse range of investment opportunities available from American investors.

Indeed, the US can be said to have the most highly-developed financial investment market in the world, with a wide range of funding sources from large banks and dedicated investment firms and State economic development organisations in to venture capitalists, angel investors and micro-loans.

Private equity firms in the US invested US$685Billion in 2018, and venture capitalists a further US$131Billion.

List of Investors in the USA

Can-SPAM Compliant Database

We work only with GDPR-compliant mailing, email, and telephone data that goes through stringent data protection checks.  Our databases are Can-Spam-Act compliant. We also offer compliance

List of investors in the USA – examples

We work with multiple databases and lists and we will work with you in order to pick the database that matches your project or offering the best. You can find a couple of examples below.

Wealthy Families of America – the enhanced wealth database

The enhanced wealthy database is the largest file covering the wealthiest families in the United States

  • 9 million postal names (many with telephones)
  • 3 million email addresses

This is a file of the very wealthiest families in the United States. The data is collected and enhanced using more than 80 separate sources covering the individuals financial situation, actual transactional data, ownership data, as well as real estate and investment holdings and registers.

  • Net worth $5 million
  • 300,000 airplane and yacht owners
  • 270,000 art collectors
  • 75,000 mansion owners

This file is ideal for all types of investment offer as well as luxury goods and services.

Accredited Investors at Home

Accredited Investors is an exceptional file of over 4.3 million individuals. All contacts are available at home postal addresses and via telephone.

  • All have a net worth of $2 million +
  • Fully selectable by their investment type eg stocks & bonds, real estate shelters, mutual funds
  • Income over $250,000 pa

The profile of this database is exceptional. It includes senior executives, business owners, yacht and plane owners, and millionaires.

This file is great for all types of financial promotion and investment opportunities. It is also ideal for newsletter and magazine subscriptions, high value goods, travel and luxury items.

List of Investors in the USA – FAQ

According to Statista, in 2019 Japan had the highest level of foreign direct investment in the United States, followed by the United Kingdom and Canada.

According to multiple sources, the number of angel investors in the US varies from 250,000 to 350,000. There were 345,000 active angel investors in 2019.

  • Find a personal investor – ask around, talk to your relatives and friends, if someone is interested in your project, you may end up having the best terms.
  • Grants – if you are looking for a small investment, you may be able to find a grant for your business, depending on the industry. Search for local grant directories to see what’s available.
  • Set you project up on one of the investor matching websites.
  • Direct emailing – with the help of our USA investors list you can send your pitch straight to their inbox. Strict subscription rules ensure that investors are not receiving too many emails and therefore are genuinely interested in reading the supplied information.

Amongst some other rules, an accredited investor in the USA must have a net worth of at least $1,000,000, excluding the value of one’s primary residence, or have income at least $200,000 each year for the last two years (or $300,000 combined income if married) and have the expectation to make the same amount this year.

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